“The Space Cadet and the Sea of Stars” (Chuu no Shoujo to Hoshi no Umi) was an event that ran in early 2021, starring Hoshihara Souka of the Soragumi (Space Division).
Souka and the other Space Division members are drawn to a strange cave where robotic bears are being produced, but is there more to it than that…?
This event introduced Souka to the gacha. Her introductory video is below, and is also in the Gacha Videos section.
Chapter 1: Girls of the Space Division
- 1.1
- 1.2
- Beyond the Skies of Tanegashima (full size image)
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
- 1.6
- Epilogue – Tanegashima Forum
Chapter 2: The Bear Planet
Chapter 3: The Super-Ancient Civilization’s Riddle
Chapter 4: Bear-Bots in the Sky
Chapter 5: The Maiden Who Inherits the Stars
- 5.1
- 5.2
- 5.3 (view a full-size version of the picture here: My Spacesuit)
- 5.4
- Epilogue – To Become an Astronaut (3)
Epilogue: On the Star-Struck Island
- 6.1
- 6.2 (view a full-size version of the picture here: On the Star-Struck Island)
- 6.3
Free Quest: Before Leaving Tanegashima
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